GPL LicenseDownload WooCommerce Admin Custom Order Fields



  • WooCommerce Admin Custom Order Fields plugin allows you to add custom fields and centralize order information within your WooCommerce store.
  • It also allows you to optionally display order fields to customers and eliminate the need for spreadsheets or external systems to manage order details.


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This is the same plugin or theme as distributed by the developer. The developers’ links are provided below.

GPL LicenseDownload WooCommerce Admin Custom Order Fields



  • WooCommerce Admin Custom Order Fields plugin allows you to add custom fields and centralize order information within your WooCommerce store.
  • It also allows you to optionally display order fields to customers and eliminate the need for spreadsheets or external systems to manage order details.


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100% No-Risk Money Back Guarantee

You are fully protected by our 100% Money Back Guarantee. If you aren’t completely satisfied within 30 days of purchase, you’re more than welcome to a full refund!

This is the same plugin or theme as distributed by the developer. The developers’ links are provided below.

The WooCommerce Admin Custom Order Fields extension is a plugin that allows you to add custom fields to your WooCommerce orders in the WordPress admin.

With this extension, you can add fields for details, notes, dates, and more, which can help streamline your order processing and centralize your order information and notes.

By default, these fields can only be viewed by the administrator, but they can optionally be included on the customer’s “My Order” page by setting the order field attribute to “Show in My Orders/Email”.

This can be useful for providing additional information to customers about their orders, such as assigned tour guides or pilots.

With Admin Custom Order Fields, you can use WooCommerce as a complete Customer Relationship Management system, where all order details, notes, fields, and information can be streamlined right within the order itself.

This can help you standardize your order details, keep all order information in WooCommerce, and sort or filter orders based on your custom order information.

The Admin Custom Order Fields extension is easy to use and allows you to add fields from the Orders Dashboard.

It eliminates the need for spreadsheets or other external systems to manage order notes/details, making your order management more efficient.

Overall, the WooCommerce Admin Custom Order Fields extension is a powerful tool for WooCommerce store owners who need to customize their order management workflow or who need to collect specific information from customers when processing orders.


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