The URL Coupons for WooCommerce is a plugin that allows you to create unique URLs that, when clicked, will apply a coupon discount and (optionally) add products to the customer’s shopping cart automatically.
This plugin helps you to prevent customers from abandoning the checkout page to search for coupons, which can lead to lost sales.
With URL Coupons, you can set a unique URL for a coupon code and control if and where the customer is redirected after visiting the URL.
You can also choose to add one or more products that will be added to the customer’s cart when the unique URL is visited.
The plugin allows you to track and increase conversions from your online and print advertisements. You can also use the plugin to improve conversions by automating discounts to encourage purchasing and help current customers access and share the discounts you offer.
Additionally, you can set coupon minimum amounts, expiration dates, or usage limits to control the use of your coupons.
URL Coupons can help you integrate your coupons throughout your website and provide advanced ways to use them.
For example, you can use a unique URL or QR code on business cards to reward potential clients for checking in on you with a discount.
You can also make it easier for current customers to share your products or services by simply giving them a link to send to their friends so they visit your site and get a discount at the same time.
The URL Coupons for WooCommerce plugin also allows you to set a generic coupon URL, such as, that will apply a “thank you” coupon. However, you can also use this to personalize the experience for your customers, as the URLs or will also work for this coupon.
URL Coupons for WooCommerce can help reduce purchase barriers by applying discounts and adding items to the cart automatically.
This plugin works seamlessly with WooCommerce One Page Checkout to provide a complete one-page coupon application and purchasing experience.
Overall, the URL Coupons for WooCommerce plugin provides a powerful and flexible solution for managing coupons in your WooCommerce store, while helping to increase conversions and reduce coupon hunting.
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