GPL LicenseDownload YITH WooCommerce Name Your Price



  • The YITH WooCommerce Name Your Price is a premium WordPress plugin that allows your customers to suggest their own prices for products in your WooCommerce online store.
  • The plugin provides store owners with the ability to set a minimum and maximum price and suggest an ideal price to users.
  • It also offers the ability to change category rules, customize labels and messages, and is compatible with other YITH plugins and WPML for translations.
  • Overall, the plugin offers a flexible pricing option for customers and increased sales for store owners.


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This is the same plugin or theme as distributed by the developer. The developers’ links are provided below.

GPL LicenseDownload YITH WooCommerce Name Your Price



  • The YITH WooCommerce Name Your Price is a premium WordPress plugin that allows your customers to suggest their own prices for products in your WooCommerce online store.
  • The plugin provides store owners with the ability to set a minimum and maximum price and suggest an ideal price to users.
  • It also offers the ability to change category rules, customize labels and messages, and is compatible with other YITH plugins and WPML for translations.
  • Overall, the plugin offers a flexible pricing option for customers and increased sales for store owners.


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100% No-Risk Money Back Guarantee

You are fully protected by our 100% Money Back Guarantee. If you aren’t completely satisfied within 30 days of purchase, you’re more than welcome to a full refund!

This is the same plugin or theme as distributed by the developer. The developers’ links are provided below.

The YITH WooCommerce Name Your Price plugin is a premium WordPress plugin developed by YITH, a company that specializes in creating high-quality plugins and themes for WordPress.

The plugin allows users to set their own price for a product in an online store built with WooCommerce, a popular eCommerce platform for WordPress.

The plugin provides store owners with the ability to offer an open-price option for all their products, including single products, variations, and grouped products.

Customers can suggest their own price for a product, and the store owner can set a minimum and maximum price to prevent purchases at no cost. This flexibility can help to increase sales by allowing customers to choose a price that fits their budget.

In addition, the plugin allows store owners to suggest an ideal price to users, which will appear on the product detail page. This feature can help customers to understand the true market price of the product and make an informed decision about the price they want to pay.

The YITH WooCommerce Name Your Price plugin also provides store owners with the ability to change category rules in one shot, which helps to avoid changing every single product manually.

Additionally, the plugin offers the ability to customize every label and message, giving store owners complete control over their site.

The plugin is compatible with the powerful WPML plugin, which allows store owners to easily translate the plugin into multiple languages.

The YITH WooCommerce Name Your Price plugin is designed to work seamlessly with other YITH plugins and popular WordPress and WooCommerce plugins available on the market.

These integrations offer even more powerful and complete solutions for your eCommerce store.

One of the compatible plugins is YITH Frontend Manager for WooCommerce, which adds a frontend dashboard for administrators and shop managers to manage orders, products, and coupons.

When combined with the YITH WooCommerce Name Your Price plugin, you can edit Name Your Price options like “Suggested price” and “Minimum and Maximum price” on the product page right from the front end.

YITH Multi-Currency Switcher for WooCommerce enables you to enable a multi-currency system in your shop and lets your users see and pay for products in their own local currency.

The integration with YITH WooCommerce Name Your Price allows your users to enter their own price for a product in their own currency without any issue, as the plugin will automatically convert the amount into the default currency.

YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor turns your store into a multistore where vendors manage their own products and earn a commission on every sale. The integration with YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor allows vendors to create specific price rules for their products.

With YITH WooCommerce Product Bundles, you can create bundles with a combination of some products from your shop. You can assign an ad-hoc price to the bundle or a price given by the sum of the single elements contained in the bundle itself.

Using the plugin in combination with the YITH WooCommerce Name Your Price, your customers can choose the amount they wish to pay for the product bundles available in your store.

YITH WooCommerce Quick View allows users to get a quick view of the product in which they are interested. The product details will be shown in a popup, so they don’t need to leave the current page.

Using the plugin in combination with the YITH WooCommerce Name Your Price plugin, your customers can choose the amount they wish to pay in the quick view popup.

YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote gives your users the chance to ask for a price estimate for one or more products in your shop. Once the request is received, you can process your offer and send it via email.

If they accept the quote, your users will be able to check out at the agreed price. The integration with YITH WooCommerce Name Your Price allows your users to first set their own price for the product and then add this to the quote. The admin gets the price and will make their offer.

Finally, YITH WooCommerce Subscription allows you to set up subscription-based products and enable recurring payments for them. If you use one of the supported gateways, customers can be automatically charged on every billing cycle.

The integration between the two plugins allows setting up subscriptions of the amount entered by the customer, which will automatically renew at that price.

Overall, the YITH WooCommerce Name Your Price plugin offers a powerful set of features for store owners who want to offer their customers the flexibility to choose their own prices for products in their online store.

With this plugin, store owners can benefit from increased sales and stronger customer connections by letting them choose the value of the products and contents offered to them.


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