GPL LicenseDownload WooCommerce Name Your Price



  • WooCommerce Name Your Price is a powerful extension that lets you offer flexible pricing options to your customers.
  • With this plugin, customers can set their own price for a product, giving you the ability to gather pricing data, accept donations, or sell products with flexible pricing.
  • It’s easy to set up and compatible with various product types and other WooCommerce extensions.
  • Try it today and improve your customer’s shopping experience!

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You are fully protected by our 100% Money Back Guarantee. If you aren’t completely satisfied within 30 days of purchase, you’re more than welcome to a full refund!

This is the same plugin or theme as distributed by the developer.

GPL LicenseDownload WooCommerce Name Your Price



  • WooCommerce Name Your Price is a powerful extension that lets you offer flexible pricing options to your customers.
  • With this plugin, customers can set their own price for a product, giving you the ability to gather pricing data, accept donations, or sell products with flexible pricing.
  • It’s easy to set up and compatible with various product types and other WooCommerce extensions.
  • Try it today and improve your customer’s shopping experience!

Product Details:

Paypal Payment

100% No-Risk Money Back Guarantee

You are fully protected by our 100% Money Back Guarantee. If you aren’t completely satisfied within 30 days of purchase, you’re more than welcome to a full refund!

This is the same plugin or theme as distributed by the developer.

The Name Your Price extension for WooCommerce is a plugin that allows customers to set their own prices for a product.

This can be a useful tool for businesses that want to offer flexible pricing options to their customers or for non-profit organizations that rely on donations.

With the Name Your Price extension, you can suggest a price to your customers and optionally enforce a minimum acceptable price, but otherwise, this extension allows the customer to enter the price they are willing to pay.

The setup process for the Name Your Price extension is straightforward, and it works out of the box for a wide range of use cases.

Once you’ve created your product, you can tick the checkbox marked Name Your Price, and you’ll have the option to enter minimum, maximum, and suggested prices.

The documentation for the extension provides step-by-step help and options to customize it for many additional use cases, including compatibility with several other plugins.

The Name Your Price extension is versatile and can work with a variety of product types, including simple products, variable products, subscriptions, product bundles, composite products, mix-and-match products, and WooCommerce account funds.

It’s also compatible with a wide range of WooCommerce extensions, including WooCommerce Product Add-ons, Gift Cards, One Page Checkout, PDF Product Vouchers, and Bulk Shop.

Overall, the Name Your Price extension for WooCommerce can help you collect donations, sell gift cards and gift certificates, make a profit on products you’d otherwise give away, reach new customers with accessible, democratized pricing, broaden your customer base by encouraging new trials, and collect data on what price customers are willing to pay for your products.

It’s a useful tool for any business or non-profit organization that wants to offer flexible pricing options to its customers or donors.


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