WooCommerce Drip is a plugin designed to help online store owners send automated drip campaigns to their customers. It connects your WooCommerce store to your Drip Email Marketing account, allowing you to track and analyze your subscribers and customers.
The plugin allows customers to subscribe to receive emails and tracks conversions, sales, and lifetime value for those who do.
When a sale is made in your store, WooCommerce Drip performs several actions, including achieving a conversion goal (if set up), recording an event for the sale in the subscriber’s history, updating the subscriber’s lifetime value, updating the subscriber’s name custom field, and giving the subscriber a tag of “Customer.”
WooCommerce Drip also includes an optional “Subscribe to Campaign” checkbox that can be turned on and added to the checkout and account registration forms. You can choose the campaign for it to sign users up to and customize the text it uses next to the checkbox.
The plugin is extremely easy to use and is designed to be dev-friendly, with extensible features that allow for customization and integration with other plugins and tools. It is also translation-ready, making it accessible to users in different languages.
Overall, WooCommerce Drip is designed to help store owners increase customer engagement and retention by delivering personalized, timely messages to their customers.
By tracking and analyzing customer behavior, store owners can gain valuable insights into their customers’ preferences and use that information to improve their marketing and sales strategies.
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