GPL LicenseDownload WooCommerce Ajax-Enabled Enhanced Layered Navigation



  • The Ajax-Enabled Enhanced Layered Navigation plugin improves the filtering experience for customers on your WooCommerce online store.
  • By using Ajax calls, the plugin allows customers to filter products by various attributes and adds user interface elements like color swatches, size selectors, and checkboxes.
  • This plugin creates a smoother and faster filtering experience and is easy to use and customize.

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GPL LicenseDownload WooCommerce Ajax-Enabled Enhanced Layered Navigation



  • The Ajax-Enabled Enhanced Layered Navigation plugin improves the filtering experience for customers on your WooCommerce online store.
  • By using Ajax calls, the plugin allows customers to filter products by various attributes and adds user interface elements like color swatches, size selectors, and checkboxes.
  • This plugin creates a smoother and faster filtering experience and is easy to use and customize.

Product Details:

Paypal Payment

100% No-Risk Money Back Guarantee

You are fully protected by our 100% Money Back Guarantee. If you aren’t completely satisfied within 30 days of purchase, you’re more than welcome to a full refund!

This is the same plugin or theme as distributed by the developer.

The Ajax-Enabled Enhanced Layered Navigation plugin is designed to improve the filtering experience for customers on an online store powered by WooCommerce.

This plugin uses Ajax calls to reload content on the page and adds a number of user interface elements and options like color swatches, selectors, and checkboxes.

It’s particularly well-suited to stores with a large number of products using the same attributes, such as size, color, etc.

With this plugin, customers can filter products by various attributes, such as price, category, color, size, and more, without having to wait for a page reload after each selection.

The plugin provides a richer user experience compared to the standard “Filter Products by Attribute” option in WooCommerce.

The user interface elements and options provided by the plugin, such as color swatches, size selectors, and checkboxes, help customers find products faster and create a more meaningful, interactive experience.

Instead of only link filters, you can now offer customers filterable color swatches, size selectors, and checkboxes. All of these are used in combination to create easy-to-use layered navigation that helps customers find what they’re looking for.

The Ajax Layered Nav widget displays on product archive pages and only on pages that contain relevant product listings. It will not appear on single product pages, as there is no content to filter. This ensures that the plugin does not impact SEO and preserves attribute links.

The Ajax-Enabled Enhanced Layered Navigation plugin is easy to use and customize, with an intuitive setup that makes it a must-have for store owners looking to improve their customers’ filtering experience and make their shop stand out.


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